Berlin 2023 ‧ Drama ‧
"Berlin" is a Spanish heist crime drama television series that serves as a spin-off and prequel to the hugely popular show "La Casa de Papel" (Money Heist). The series is centered around the character Andrés de Fonollosa, better known as Berlin, who was one of the key members of the original heist team in "La Casa de Papel." The show delves into Berlin's past, exploring his life before the events of "La Casa de Papel." It focuses on his extravagant lifestyle, his numerous heists, and his complex relationships with various characters, including his brother, the Professor, and other members of his criminal crew. Berlin is depicted as a charismatic yet morally ambiguous figure who is both ruthless and charming. The series gives fans a deeper understanding of his character, revealing the motivations, struggles, and personal connections that shaped him into the man we see in "La Casa de Papel." As a spin-off, "Berlin" expan